Friday, October 2, 2009


This week finds me saying an abnormal number of strange things such as,"please don't run with salami" and "no, you may not ride the dog." sometimes it feels more cartoony than human around here, especially with all of the dressing up and crazy talk, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


Joanna said...

I can't, for the life of me, figure out what is wrong with running with a salami.

Steph said...

There are moments where I think 'did I just say that?' too. Hilarious, but also sometimes frustrating. I am always so impressed that you bring out the best in every situation! I love the family pic at the top of your blog, too.

Maria said...

Thanks, steph. Joanna- it wasn't really the running with salami (it was a slice , not a whole salami!) that bugged me, It was how the dogs were chasing the salami runner that I knew things wouldn't end well!

Mel said...

This week I asked my three year old, "Are you sure you want cat for breakfast?" I agree with the strangeness LOL - sentences I never thought I would say. Questions I never thought I would ask.

Julie said...

Running with salami can truly be hazardous--LOL!