Thursday, April 22, 2010


I guess I never realized how odd little kids who are in the process of losing and regrowing teeth look. Lilly has been at it for about a year now, and several friends of ours came over today and a few of the kids are going through it too. They are a snaggletoothed looking bunch, sort of shocking, the angles and sizes of some of these teeth! We never commented on any of the kids teeth other than talking about the tooth fairy coming to our friend's house last night. I was out when Will put the kids to bed tonight, and he said after brushing her teeth, Lilly looked up at him and said, "I look like I have a mouth full of corn!" and burst into tears. Now her teeth do not look like corn in any way, but she is terribly upset about it. I guess I should pull out the pictures of me and Will from second grade. Not cute. Then she can see everything will straighten out (with or hopefully without the aid of braces). So pitifully sad for her. Hopefully she will feel better about it in the morning. I'm sure this is just one of many beauty battles we will see over the next fifteen years...


Heidi O said...

That's too bad. I don't remember feeling that way. I was excited to have my teeth come out. It was the braces that I didn't like. Thank goodness nowadays braces look better and they keep making them better and better.
I like the idea of pulling out your photos from those times so she can see it is normal.

Joanna said...

Funny, I never felt odd about losing teeth either. Then again, I already knew I had years of braces ahead of me, so maybe it seemed minor in comparison. Are kids that much more appearance conscious than we were? I hope not.

Of course, I dread the thought of losing my bridge at work. It's going to come out someday, and I really hope that no one is around to see it. So, what does that say about me?

Steph said...

Poor thing. I hope she feels better about that soon. Cooper was concerned that we took him to a restaurant for breakfast a few weekends ago and he was in his tball uniform, he thought people would laugh at him. I have no idea where he got that, and I am glad it didn't stop him from enjoying his breakfast, but it was odd, and I was sad to think he felt that way.

DesiDVM said...

Now see I'm the opposite...I didn't care too much about losing teeth as a kid, it was actually exciting to me. My teeth now are in decent shape but horribly crowded, especially on the bottom. How many times I have wished that I had braces when I was younger! But alas we couldn't afford it. Seriously looking at my teeth now I really regret never having braces LOL.