Friday, December 4, 2009

Gingerbread houses

Lilly: making (decorating) gingerbread houses is hard because you need skills!

Love that kid, and you know, the baking the gingerbread from scratch was a breeze!


Mel said...

We got a store kit. Haven't done it yet, but I'm thinking it will take skill LOL! Although not as much skill as from scratch:)

Beth said...

I love it! Has she seen Napoleon Dynamite? That cracks me up. We have always "cheated" at our house with gingerbread houses. We use the icing to stick graham crackers on pint-sized milk cartons, and then decorate with candy. We use an upside-down paper plate for the base. It's super easy and they're really cute! But from-scratch gingerbread is way more impressive!

Maria said...

Beth- we have made them that way, too but Lilly really wanted to try real gingerbread houses and lobbiedchard for the in store kit. I couldn't bring myself to buy it with a yummy gingerbread recipe I have been wanting to try sitting at home! I love to cook/bake.

Maria said...

Lobbied hard, not chard, she actually hates chard...

Beth said...

Uh--scratch that whole "really easy" thing. My mom always made it look easy. And we used the little school milk cartons, not pint-sized cartons. Pint-sized cartons are big! And not easy. Lilly is right--you definitely need skills!