Thursday, June 26, 2008

Too Much Fun

I hear hysterical laughter coming from the bathroom where Allie and Maya are supposedly getting a drink. They are having too much fun for water drinking.
Me: "Allie, what are you guys doing?"
Allie: "Ummmm...getting a drink."
Me: "Come in here right now!"
Maya comes in SOAKED from head to toe, with Allie close behind.
Me: "Allie did you throw water on your sister?"
Allie: "No, I was getting a drink..."
Me: "Tell the truth, did you throw water on Maya?"
Allie: "It was an accident...I didn't mean to throw water on her, I was just getting a drink."
Me: "Soaking your sister is not an accident, you had to throw a lot of water for her to get that wet, please go sit on your bed."

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