Saturday, November 15, 2008

I Love Trickery

The girls have been given the task of cleaning their play room. They do this every day, but some days they resist and some days they do it with not much effort. Today is a day filled with resistance. They are arguing about the amount of things they are each putting away, they are yelling about one side of the room being dirtier than the other, they are hollering because Maya is not helping. I just called them in here and used a bit of Mommy trickery, some people would call it a bribe, but some days it has to be whatever works. So I told them that there was a contest and the winner gets a dollar. The contest is whoever cleans up the most items wins. They think it is a race with a prize, and I get a clean playroom with no loudness. Everyone wins and it only costs me one dollar.


Joanna said...

LOL. My mom had a good one that she would use on long car rides. She'd give us each a lifesaver and then we would see who could suck on it the longest without breaking the life saver. We each got a lousy life saver, and my parents got 5 minutes of silence.

Maria said...

Ooh...I will have to remember that one. Awesome!