Friday, November 7, 2008

It's So Much Easier Now

I keep remarking on how much easier life in general is now that the girls are older. It is amazing how different things feel lately. I can tell them to get their shoes and coats on and they do it. We can leave the house spur of the moment without much thought, and now that Maya is no longer napping we can make a day of being out and about. I am needing a baby fix lately, though. I just miss the snuggy baby lump that sleeps peacefully on my chest, and that baby smell. I kept thinking I wanted another baby, that someone was missing from our family, but I realized almost a year ago that I was just used to having a baby around. I loved every moment of each of the girl's infancy, they were some of my favorite times (three times). Now, I really feel like we can focus on doing more. We have family game night, and now we can all play together. We can go on car trips without timing feedings, Best of all more diapers! We have been diaper free around here for almost a year now and I definitely don't miss diapers. I also find it really entertaining when they assert themselves and test the limits of what they can do. It is funny to me when Maya tries to tell us that she is not going to do something we tell her she needs to do. She doesn't do it too often, but when a situation arises that we haven't dealt with yet and she feels like her way is better and tries to convince us that her way is the way to go, I think it is really interesting to watch her work that out. I love watching them work things out with their friends too. Lilly has made some really good friends at school, and is realizing that friendship doesn't always mean that you get your way. She has learned quickly that it is a give and take and that you have to do both sometimes. I have also finally figured out a more effective use for space in our house, that allows me to keep the place clean with much less effort and stress. I feel like everything is working so well now and I am definitely enjoying it.


DesiDVM said...

Ah, to be diaper-free...we wanted to have a break from diapers for awhile before having #2 but at this rate they'll be five years apart LOL.

Mountain Mom said...

I am so looking forward to life being "easier" as you say. :) Maybe by this time next year I can say we're completely diaper-free. My kids are getting better at putting their shoes and socks on, getting their jackets on and things like that, but I am really looking forward to game nights. That sounds like a lot of fun.

Julie said...

Spill your secrets to a cleaner and more organized house--PLEASE! I could clean on Friday, by Sunday its trashed again and I only have ONE kid. It doesn't help that my husband is messy too.

Maria said...

Seriously, less stuff = less to do. I de-cluttered our kitchen, living room, dining room and have made a strong effort to keep things from piling up. I try and put things where they belong instead of shuffling them around 3 or 4 times before they make it to their actual destination. I also made a new toys out of the play room. It was hard for the first week, but the kids are really good about it now. I figure if they have a whole room designated for their stuff, plus their rooms, that is enough kid take over of the house. I also re arranged the downstairs so that the livingroom is next to the kitchen and the playroom is at the end of the hall near the entry way so that the toys dont have a chance to drool themselves in through all of the other rooms. We have lived here for almost five years and i have just now figured it out. I am a big fan now of minimalist living in our main areas of the house. I used to think that style looked empty, but now I love it! Also a quick fix I used to do is to have a basket or box in each room and then at the end of the day you can just do a quick pick up so it looks clean and then just put the stuff away later. I was never very good at the putting away later, so I don't do that anymore! Good Luck.